wondering where winter is?

I'm wondering where winter is? My internal clock is out of sync... I was so looking forward to a snow free winter, but now that we're into November I find myself missing the clean soft pallet of winter white. Mind you, not the black ice or blizzard, but the romantic first fall, the mornings untouched blanket that tucks the earth in for her winters sleep, the gentle quiet that comes with falling snow. The rain here, is winters substitute, coming down heavy and straight, like a watering from some giant celestial watering can, you can almost hear the vegetation hydrating. The thick greens are luscious juicy and wet, dripping like an oil painting and there are roses blooming in my garden???
I am realizing that I must once again, re-learn her seasons in this place and acclimatize myself to her changing tides. Pacific West Coast Rain Forest... the oxygen levels are high and the air is always sweet.
And though I am missing the visible and familiar signs of winter... I too am absorbing the moisture and feeling rejuvenated by it.


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