light in the darkness

My dear friend of many years had to let go of his lovely young wife and the mother to his three young children earlier this year. This is their first Christmas without her. My heart is so heavy for him as he feels her absence this season. What words can anyone say to ease his heartache?

In my circle gatherings for this season it is the God that I welcome into our midst and so I have been studying about 'the god'... and not surprisingly it is helping me understand Christmas all the more.

He is the sacrificing god, who gives so that life can be sustained. If you think of the Wheel of the Year, at Samhain/Halloween, the earth is dieing and thus death is ever close to us and the veil between the worlds thinner. But in the darkness after the death of pumpkins left outside to rot and leaves that have turned black upon the ground... something is stirring! Something still clings to life. The earth begins to stir again and come Winter Solstice, the Sun begins to linger longer in the sky! And so we celebrate the hope that life will come again! That the Sun will return! "and we wait, not out of disbelief but out of a knowing" that the Wheel continues to turn, and that we can trust that new life will come again. That the daffodils and the crocuses will sprout again, that trees will once again blossom into life, that in our darkest moments we can wait, knowing that after death comes life! The God sacrifices his life so that life can be sustained and the Circle continued.

A new birth! A baby, innocent, pure, beautiful born into a world where the wheel turns. God is doing a work within us all. I pray you find the strength and courage to hang on to hope... that a new birth, a new beginning, a new plan will unfold for you. That is what we celebrate this Holiday... that in our darkness there is hope. There is trust. There is knowing. There is belief that we are not alone and that all good things come to those that wait.

May you experience great peace in your waiting.

Blessed Be.


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