articles of madness .5

you don't need to know...
because then you'll want to fix me
there's no need for fixing,
just please do the dishes
and pick your stuff up off the floor...
that'll help a lot

You don't need to know...
because you'll look at me differently
there's no need to change the way you see me
just please remember to be extra kind
and super loving
when I'm menstruating...
'cause then its the hardest.

You don't need to know...
because you'll feel like you need to find me a remedy
there is no remedy.
just bare with me as I move through it,
be gentle with me as I face my demons,
and let me do whatever it is I need to do...
for myself.

you don't need to know...
but I  hide it way too often
because I like you to see me stronger than I am
its only half true
I am only strong because I know that I am weak
be human with me
be weak with me so that together we can be strong.


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